El Bachir Outidrarine: The Stoic Bug Whisperer 🐛

Hello, digital explorer! You've stumbled upon the lair of El Bachir Outidrarine, also known as the stoicbug. Don't worry, I don't actually whisper to bugs (except when debugging, of course).

What I Do When I'm Not Contemplating the Void

  • 💻 Software Engineering Student: Turning coffee into code since 2020. Side effects may include occasional genius and frequent head-desk interactions.
  • 🎨 Web Designer Extraordinaire: I transform cold, lifeless web applications into experiences so stunning, they'll make your pixels dance. Yes, even that static "Hello World" page can become a Broadway musical in my hands.

Community Superhero (Cape Pending)

When I'm not crafting digital masterpieces, I'm out there spreading positivity faster than a viral meme. As a community leader, I've been known to:

  • Organize events that are actually fun (shocking, I know)
  • Help the community grow
  • Inspire others to code (or at least to Google better)

From Keyboard to Handball Court

Plot twist: I'm not just a code warrior, I'm also a handball champion! That's right, I've represented my national team for two consecutive years. How did I go from handball to coding, you ask?

Well, I figured if I could handle a ball at high speeds, I could surely handle a mouse cursor, right?

In Conclusion

If you're looking for someone who can:

  • Debug your code
  • Design your website
  • Lead your community
  • Score the winning goal in handball

...then you're in luck! I'm your person.

Remember: Stay stoic, keep coding, and always aim for the top corner of the net (in handball and in life)!

Software Engineering

Software Engineer

Community Leadership

Community Wizard

Handball Champion

Handball Champion